A letter from mother to her child
To my Dear Daughter, If I'm not there to help you prepare for this next chapter of your life, to help you decide who to spend your life with, to be there to share your joys and sadnes s, your girly giggles and your painful tears, know this ... Know that no matter who you find, he is NOT your Mr. Right; Allah is. HE is the One to depend on. HE is the One who will make everything alright. Your husband will be your friend, but take Allah as your BF (Best Friend). When things are good, be grateful to HIM, and when things aren’t so good, cry to HIM. Know that your success isn’t in being the world to this man. Your success, your worthiness is from Allah . You are not incomplete without him. You were beautiful, complete, and worthy before you married. Don’t try to change him into someone he is not. Don’t nag him to get your way and don’t be afraid to love him. But love moderately. Maintain your own happiness. Don’t become so full of him that you are empty inside. Fill your ...